Lovers of all things animals, the opportunity presented itself for us to purchase and provide treats and accessories to pet owners Australia Wide.
We have been the honoured owners of both dogs and cats throughout the years and love to provide wholesome treats​. Our goal is to provide healthy, smart choice treats to your furbabies with no nasties
​The business started out as a concept and developed in to so much more. Everyday we are discovering new and exciting products to introduce to you and your furbabies.
Who is part of the Smart Pet Treat crew?
Well there is myself, Regina (owner) and then you will see on occasion my niece Jacinta and my son Alex on other rare occasions.
In the background helping out with labelling, packing, baking and so much more are my mother Gisela, sister Natalie and my other niece Delinda.
And of course we mustn't forget Miss Tinkerbell (featured on the front page)
We aim to provide you and your fur babies not only the best quality food, but also educate you and give back to our local communities.